Saturday I was able to attend my first Cincinnati Neighborhood Summit Event held at the Cintas Center at Xavier University. It was incredibly motivating to see so many people dedicated to making their neighborhoods a better place to live and I was able to learn a lot about development, transportation, and community health and well being. The event opened up with Mayor John Cranley briefing the audience on where we've been, and where we're going with regards to the development in Cincinnati's 52 neighborhoods, and was followed by a series of workshops. Some random takeaways from the event I found interesting.
- "Don't let the tail wag the dog" when it comes to development projects. You need a plan and a vision for what you want to do first before you go after funds.
- Construction prices are going up fast across the board, but especially for Historic Renovation projects.
- Commercial revenues/rents are the place makers. Keep them low to attract the merchants you and the community want. This will boost demand and allow for higher rents in the residential units above.