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Saturday, March 19, 2016


Starter Home 2.0 Spring Prep

In anticipation of Spring I made a couple new purchases for the Starter Home 2.0 Pleasant Ridge house that included porch furniture and a lawnmower. 
One of my favorite things to do when the weather is nice is to sit out on a porch or deck and relax, read, take in the surroundings, and enjoy a nice cold beverage, which I was happy to be able to do yesterday once I set-up my chairs and side table pictured below. 
I also purchased a gas powered lawnmower, which while not as glamorous, was able to effectively trim down the rapidly growing grass on the lot. The nice thing about the Husqvarna lawnmower I bought is that it folds down for storage and transportation and is light enough for me to lift into the trunk of my car, so that I can drive it over to the Oakley lot to mow as its grass grows as well.