Oakley Home 2.0 LEED Certification
In preparing to build the first Starter Home 2.0 project in Pleasant Ridge, one of the items I spent a lot of time thinking about was whether or not to pursue LEED Certification (which was the topic of a previous blog post). Ultimately, I decided with it being my first time going through the homebuilding process and having so many unknown variables to consider, that it was not in my best interest to follow through with certification at the time.
However, now that I have a project under my belt and more familiarity with the people and process involved, I have made the decision to get the Oakley Home 2.0 LEED Certified. The first step to doing this was to get the project registered through the USGBC website, which basically just requires filling in some basic project information and paying a $150 registration fee as a USGBC member.
The next steps are hiring a LEED Green Rater for the project and determining which credits we are going to go after. I'll be make to cover all this in future posts, but for now, anyone interested in tracking the progress of the LEED Certification, can click here.