Geotech Report Findings
Earlier this week I received the geotech report that was compiled based on the observations of the test pits that were dug at various locations on the lot, and was happy to see the words 'A new home can be constructed on the property' among the findings. Granted, this is provided that the remains of foundations from the house that was demolished on the lot get removed, but that was to be expected and those foundations are relatively shallow in depth, meaning the amount of cut and hauling will be minimal. In addition, the soils beneath the concrete footings were found to be suitable to build on with a traditional foundation design, which is what I was hoping for. The next items on my list for getting the Oakley Home 2.0 permit ready are adding the surveyor's plot plan to the drawings and incorporating LEED documentation into the set, both of which should be completed in the next few weeks.